Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Onshore Oil Rigs

Couple of pictures of an onshore oil rig. Lots of specimens can be found in and around Baku, both in working and not working condition. There are onshore fields in Baku with hundreds of rigs, majority of them not working now. Dating back to the good old Soviet times, these fields have become the burial grounds of rusting steel. It is currently an environmental disaster with fields full of oil, and corroding steel. It is high time that the Azerbaijan Government spend a small portion of the oil money to clean up this environmental mess.

Interesting Weighing Machine

Used to see and hear this interesting weighing machine while passing by the main street in fountain square for the last 5 years. The machine invites (non stop) passers by to stop by and check the height and weight out and based on the BMI the machine will judge your eating habits, and provide you with funny diet advise in public. The women dont dare to check it out, as the machine advises aloud in public, and it might cause some heads to turn while overhearing the funny advises,,, like you are eating too much, you need to reduce etc...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

City Wall around Iceri Seher (at night)

Pictures at night of the city wall surrounding Iceri Seher aka Old City of Baku - said to be constructed around 12th century.

Baku - Boulevard at night

Set of pictures from my night shoot at the Baku boulevard. Moonlight falling on the Caspian sea, very soothing view.